
About Us

Our factory, which started its activities in the Textile Sector in 2017 with the production of personalised design printed t-shirts, is expanding its services by producing special personnel clothing for companies in line with the demands of our customers, processing these clothes with printed or embroidered company logos and producing low or high quantities according to the need and increasing the number and variety of production every year.

egebazaar,, aegeanstreet brands are also subsidiaries of Egebeyi Tekstil A.Ş.

Our company specialises in the production of all kinds of ready-to-wear garments according to demand and specialises in printing and embroidery on these products.

We aim to meet the expectations of our customers and maximise the satisfaction of our customers by offering quality products and preparing orders with fast deadlines.

Our Mission

It is part of our mission to support sustainability and fulfil our social responsibilities by adopting environmentally friendly production processes.

Our Vision

We aim to serve our customers at national and international level and to be a leader in the sector as a preferred supply company.

It is our greatest desire to continue our relationship that started as Seller-Customer as a friend.
